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“Our World Is Changing. Together, We Can Change It For The Better.”


Table of contents


1- Introduction

2- Vision

3- Cardano

4- Tokenomics

5- Roadmap





Our goal is to help grow awareness of the Cardano ecosystem and share the growth and benefits with all of those who participate.


With a total supply inspired by the highest mountain in the world. -Mt. Everest-  It has an altitude of 8849 meters. So we took that inspiration and made the total supply of MNT Token to 884,900,000.


This is it. It is a fixed supply and we are unable to mint any new tokens. At the same time we don't have a token burn system in place either, which is what differentiates us from different projects. We strive and aim for quality over quantity.


The idea behind MOUNTAIN token was to create a platform that not only helps to grow the Cardano ecosystem but also helps those involved to benefit from the explosive growth the crypto movement has brought to our world. The world has always been dominated by centralized powers and only those with ties to those with central powers had a chance to live a prosperous and promising life. Individuals outside of the influential spheres on the other hand never had equal opportunity for financial growth. The Cardano ecosystem brings the power of decentralization and DAOs to the people and it allows every individual to prosper equally. We believe in this model and hope everyone gets to benefit from this amazing form of technology. The goal of this token is to help distribute this growth potential not only to the Cardano community but also to those less fortunate who are not involved or do not know about what is happening in the world today. 


How are we doing that? 


We plan to invest a part of the fund in educational projects as well as financial help to those who live in the Himalayas. After all, that is where the MOUNTAIN idea comes from. 


We want to stand tall and we want to stand high!







Our vision is simple but the process to carry out that vision is not so. We would love to bring the opportunities the crypto world has brought to us to those who are less fortunate. 







Cardano is built by a decentralized community of scientists, engineers, and thought leaders united in a common purpose: to create a technology platform that will ignite the positive change the world needs. We believe the future should not be defined by the past, and that more is possible - and, through technology, can be made possible for all. We measure the worth of a task not by its challenge, but by its results.

Every ada holder also holds a stake in the Cardano network. Ada stored in a wallet can be delegated to a stake pool to earn rewards – to participate in the successful running of the network – or pledged to a stake pool to increase the pool’s likelihood of receiving rewards. In time, ada will also be usable for a variety of applications and services on the Cardano platform.




A platform built for a sustainable future, to help people work better together, trust one another, and build global solutions to global problems


Cardano is a fork in the road. It takes us from where we’ve been to where we’re destined to go: a global society that is secure, transparent, and fair, and which serves the many as well as the few. Like the technological revolutions that have come before, it offers a new template for how we work, interact, and create, as individuals, businesses, and societies.

Cardano began with a vision of a world without intermediaries, in which power is not controlled by an accountable few, but by the empowered many. In this world, individuals have control over their data and how they interact and transact. Businesses have the opportunity to grow independent of monopolistic and bureaucratic power structures. Societies are able to pursue true democracy: self-governing, fair, and accountable. It is a world made possible by Cardano.




Cardano brings a new standard in technology - open and inclusive – to challenge the old and activate a new age of sustainable, globally-distributed innovation.


From the incremental to global, Cardano improves how we interact, transact, and create - and ultimately operate as a global society.

Cardano is a blockchain platform built on the groundbreaking Ouroboros proof-of-stake consensus protocol, and developed using the Haskell programming language: a functional programming language that enables Cardano to pursue evidence-based development, for unparalleled security and stability.

Technology realized through evidence-based science

Our technology is underpinned by research. We have redefined what it means to create a global software platform through scientific methods. We have not compromised on our belief, or in our approach. To build a better future - secure, sustainable, and governable by the many - we have taken the road less traveled. The result of our efforts is a blockchain platform unparalleled in its capability and performance, and which is truly able to support global applications, systems, and real-life business use cases.






Find below a summary of the distribution of the total MNT Tokens minted and their use. The total minted supply of MNT token is fixed and the minting of new tokens is not possible. 
































  • Launch website, register token, build social media presence to educate and inform potential partners and investors. Start with token distribution to partners, early participant network and early referral program clients. -GOAL REACHED


  • Commence token sale to the open public. Token sale distribution will be held in stages. Fair sale, ISPO and listing in Dexs. -GOAL ONGOING


  • Build and strengthen the network, grown user base, and token distribution through the use of referral program 2.0 with incremental rewards incentives. 


  • Begin a partnership with Stake pool operators to incentivize the staking of Ada with MNT tokens as stake payments. MNT tokens will be distributed for 25-50 epochs. 


  • List our token on all of Dexs available. Begin educational programs to mountain community areas. Beginning in Nepal.


  • Create staking rewards program for MNT tokens with MNT tokens stake rewards.

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